Tamar Olami

Tamar Olami Logo

Tamar, Tnuat Magshimim Reformit, is a global platform for engaging Progressive Jewish young adults – college students, young professionals and young families, ages 18-35 years old  – looking to build and strengthen Progressive Jewish connections and communities.


Tamar and Arzenu Conference 2019 | Marseille, France

Tamar serves as an informal educational and social framework that engages graduates of Netzer, as well as other young adult Progressive Jews, most often undergraduate and post-college individuals, who are seeking to build or strengthen a community of like-minded individuals. Tamar sponsors community-driven projects that engage and strengthen this target audience. 

Once a year, leaders from Tamar communities come together in Israel to discuss growth, issues facing their communities, and to learn and pray together in Israel.

For more information, please contact  tamarolami@wupj.org



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